“Isn’t Canada the Opposite Direction That You Are Heading?”
Warning: This post is not about Puerto Rico, or teaching, or huge life changes for me. If those are the reasons you are reading this, permission granted to close the tab. This post IS about travel, however, and about what is going on in my life. Please keep reading if you’re interested. I spent last week in an escape from daily life, camping in Ontario, Canada with four of my closest friends. The group of us went camping in Canada last year as well, and this summer we extended the trip from 3 days to 5 and moved from Kakebeka Falls Provincial Park to Sleeping Giant Provincial Park (which is 2 hours farther for us). We quickly learned several things when we arrived in Canada this year. 1) Tourist season doesn’t start until June. The campground was deserted (I think there may have been one other set of tent campers in the ground. Maybe 3 RV’s…and that’s it.) The Visitor Center was closed, ...