Back Home

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I stepped off the plane into icy Wisconsin weather for the first time.  “You are going to be so cold, it’s going to feel so strange to you!”  But my first breath of winter air was not that shocking.  In fact, as I took my first gulp in the parking lot of the Minneapolis airport, all I thought was, “Tastes like home.”  Rather than experiencing reverse culture shock, I simply feel like I’ve stepped out of the time-warp fantasy world of Puerto Rico and back into real life. 

Everything here seems real now.  It is all (more or less) exactly as I have left it.  The smell of a wood fire woke me this morning, and the sun glinting off a light snowfall out my bedroom windows looked just as it should.  My bedroom at my parents’ house is the same—a time capsule of my life from 8th grade through my college graduation. 

And now, suddenly, it has become shockingly real and clear; Christmas is in one week.  When on earth did THAT happen?  Time to shop, bake, and decorate up a storm!  So much to do to get ready! 



  1. Aw!!! Enjoy your time home Sue!!! Can't wait to breathe in the winter air as well! Definitely a time warp. :o)


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