Happy Hurricane Day!

Tropical Storm Isaac is currently making its way to the south and west of Puerto Rico, and what that means for us is gray skies and intermittent rain, so far.  It also means that yesterday afternoon, school was canceled for today, the school being closed “until further notice.” 

Seeing as last evening was more or less beautiful (a few scattered showers and some clouds, but no storms), we headed to the beach.  My conversation with one of the new teachers went something like this:
(me) “We’re going to the beach.  Want to come?”
“Ha, yeah, let’s do it!  Let’s live dangerously.”
“Okay, see you soon!”
“Wait, you were serious? I was totally kidding!”
“I wasn’t.  The storm isn’t even getting here until tomorrow.  Let’s go.”
It took just a little bit of cajoling, but we all ended up sitting on the beach, beverages in hand, watching the thunderheads in the distance.  It was a relaxing night—and we were treated to a pretty wonderful sunset, as well. 

Brandemar Beach, Guayama

Great sunset at Brandemar

Today, Jenni and I have been taking advantage of having power and water while it lasts.  I did some cooking to last the week if necessary, Jenni is working on laundry, and we’re both savoring the luxury of our internet connection.  The skies are grey, and we’re getting bursts of strong rains with increasing frequency.  They last 5-10 minutes, and then we go back to nearly clear skies. 

The view out my front door.  Grey skies to the right...

Patches of blue to the left.

And then 2 minutes later...heavy rains.

The projected path of Isaac takes it well south of Puerto Rico, becoming a hurricane as it intersects with The Dominican Republic and Cuba.  My prayers are with the residents there, and I hope the storm doesn’t incur too much damage.
But as for us, we’re just enjoying our hurricane day.  


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