Coming Up Next: International Job Fair

In 3 days, I will be attending the AASSA International Job Fair.  The goal, of course, is to obtain a teaching job in South or Central American for next year. 

3 days to go… and how am I feeling? 
My insides are all twisted up. 

I’m excited, and nervous, and scared, and unenthusiastic  and skeptical, and confident, and utterly unconfident, and ready. 
In short, I’m not really sure how to feel. 

The job fair itself will be exciting.  The possibility of a change for next year is exciting.  Seeing a new piece of the world and gaining more teaching experience is what I want to do.  There are tons of possibilities out there, and I can’t wait to see where I end up.

But it’s also scary.  I've gotten pretty comfortable in Puerto Rico.  I know my way around.  I have a support system of friends.  I know how the school works and I've got my unit plans down.  I like it here. 
Not to mention that being so close to home and in a US territory has its perks. 

But, it’s time to take a leap of faith and try for something.

I can’t promise I’ll come back with a job after this job fair.  I can afford to go into it with my standards a bit higher than they once were, and I don’t plan on settling for a school I don’t respect or a location I’m not absolutely pumped about. 
If I don’t accept a job, I’ll have some decisions to make, of course.  To stay in PR one more year?  To search for jobs in Wisconsin?  Or another part of the US? 

I’ll keep you posted.  But the short version of the long story is this: my future is completely up in the air at the moment.  And that both terrifies and excites me.  


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