Sweet Summer

I’m not the type of person who sits still very often.  So this summer was right up my alley.  I was home for one short week in June, then set off for a whirlwind month in Europe.  And I finished my summer with nearly 3 weeks in my hometown.  I wasn’t in any one place for a very long time.  And yet, I managed to do more than I thought possible. 

I spent a lot of time running and enjoying beautiful weather and beautiful countryside.  I ran past misty bluffs, bright green lawns, and past sunsets over corn fields.  I really enjoyed my time on my own two feet. 

I played board games—even learned a few new ones.  I visited my favorite restaurants—ate ice cream at The Pearl, sushi at Sushi Pirate, hearty breakfasts at the La Crosse Family Restaurant and Perkins.
  I discovered new places, and realized there are indeed several establishments in the area where it’s possible to sit outside in the fresh air.  I enjoyed the company of friends at 4 Sisters, Shenanigans, Dublin Square, and Seasons by the Lake—all in the open air.

Dining with friends at 4 Sisters 

I saw all the friends who have, over the years, become the ones I “must see every time I’m home,” and was able to spend time with some friends I haven’t seen in years.  I even met new friends.  Heck, I even found time to go on a date. 

I hiked the bluffs.  And then I hiked them again.  And again.  I took a walk by myself in the woods on the 7 Bridges path that was one of my favorites as a child.  
Bridge 4 on McGilvray Bottoms Trail
I used the swing set in my parents’ backyard, laughing as I did so.  I baked cookies.  I visited my grandma.  I stood up in my good friend’s wedding, then spent the night dancing up a storm with her new stepsons.  I played the piano (badly).  I watched a girly movie with my best friend. 
Photo credit to Cindy Pierce

Photo credit to Cindy Pierce 

Somehow, despite a lack of time this summer, I found the perfect balance between trying new things, experiencing my favorite things, and reliving my best memories of childhood and college.  It’s been a sweet, sweet summer.    


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