Sit Still?
A while ago, I spent an evening trying to convince one of my best friends to embark on a roadtrip with me next summer, even though, I explained, I realized my original “Summer 2014 plan” had consisted of spending my entire break close to home with family and friends. “You just can’t sit still, can you?” she asked good naturedly. I’d never thought of it that way, but she’s right. Not in the physical sense as in sitting in one place to complete a task. I can do that. But it’s true that I am happiest when I am busiest. I like to live my life full. A calendar with commitments written on each day gives me glee. I don’t sit at home relaxing by myself often. I can’t sit still. Last weekend was a prime example of the way I try to do everything. Friday after my work day was done, I entered the school library for my last class in the 2 nd course of my masters program. (Have I mentioned I’m working on my masters through a prog...