Embracing my inner Exploradora

I’m glad we didn’t go to Playa Sucia one of my first weekends here.  It’s the same principal used when you go to Six Flags; you don’t ride the biggest and best roller coaster first, or all the rest will seem pale in comparison.  If I had gone to the best beach one of my first weekends here, places like Luquillo and Isabela would have seemed inadequate.

There are many reasons that Playa Sucia is pretty awesome:
1.       Soft, white sand
2.       Water the color of turquoise
3.       Calm waves great for swimming
4.       THE CLIFFS

I haven’t done a lot (any) hiking since I’ve been here, and the exploradora in me was feeling a little left out I think…until today, that is.

Playa Sucia is a nearly round beach ringed by cliffs, with a lighthouse standing guard off to the right.  There are rocky paths up towards the lighthouse, and if one follows them, at the top of the hill, you see the magnificent, breathtaking cliffs.  There are no guard rails to keep people from walking right to the edge and peering down to the depths below.  Picturesque doesn’t begin to describe it.

Today the four of us started our day with a hike to see the cliffs and take pictures.  After nearly an hour, Danielle and Kelsey turned back, but Rachel and I kept going, intent on seeing all there was to see.  We were not disappointed!  Here are a few of the highlights of our adventure.  

On the top of the world!

Note Rachel being adventurous in the background.  :)

We found a cave!

Looking into the cave

Jumping over the cave

Ending the day with some paddle ball

We returned to the beach and spent the rest of the afternoon swimming, lounging in the sun (and later in the clouds—which made lounging even more relaxing), and playing paddle ball as the waves lapped our feet. 

It was a perfect beach day.  As we drove home under a full moon, I couldn’t help but feel high on life.  Days like today make every other day in my life worthwhile. 

Here's another reason I enjoyed Playa Sucia: it's an adventure to get there.  The last leg of the road to the beach is unpaved, full of potholes, and--when we were there--mud and deep puddles.   Thanks to Rachel's SUV, we made it through.  The video doesn't quite show the experience, but take a look:  


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