Give Thanks

Every year at Thanksgiving, I realize just how much I have to be thankful for.  Sometimes, it seems my blessings just keep growing each and every year.  This year is no different.  I feel like I (knock on wood) almost lead a charmed life, in which nothing truly bad has happened in a long time.

My parents and sister came to visit over Thanksgiving break, and some of the other teachers had visitors too, meaning we had 11 people at my house sharing in a Thanksgiving feast!  4 or 5 other friends stopped by later, making it a wonderful night of friendship. 

Not to boast, but for being overseas, our Thanksgiving meal was legit.  Rachel cooked a 20lb turkey to perfection and brought mashed potatoes and gravy.  My mom made her stuffing, which alone made it feel like we were back at home.  Danielle brought green bean casserole.  Kelsey and Rachel made homemade rolls.  Jenni and her friend Liz made an amazing gumbo.  Kelsey brought cranberry sauce.  My sister and I put together fruit salad, 2 pies, and a carrot cake for Danielle’s birthday.  The family Kelsey tutors for sent over leftover ham, macaroni salad, and rice from their own Thanksgiving feast.  And one of my students gave me an entire tembleque (Puerto Rican coconut pudding) to finish out the meal.  YUMMMM.

Things I am Thankful For (a partial list):
-Good friends here and at home
-The opportunity to live and teach in Puerto Rico
-My job
-My students
-Good health
-The ability and means to travel
-A car that runs, clothes to wear, enough food to eat, and a roof over my head


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